The School-To-Prison Pipeline

  I have chosen to write my research paper on the school-to-prison pipeline which is a sociological and criminological theory that sites several aspects of our school experience and how they relate to future criminality. The dominant narrative in this subject is that Black Students are lazy and more disrespectful than other students, therefore theyContinue reading “The School-To-Prison Pipeline”

Widening the Space of “Community”

The idea of “community” can be applied to different amounts of space. A dance community may be comprised of a single studio. A town’s community may stretch as far as the town’s borders. A large city may have elements of single community, while also being comprised of many different, smaller communities. My experience living inContinue reading “Widening the Space of “Community””

The Dominant Narative of SROs

The paper I am working on seeks to address issues created by the past and present implementation of student resource officers. In order to understand how this role came about and what the dominant narative is surrounding these officers it is necessary to understand the school system itself and its origin. Rooted around ideas ofContinue reading “The Dominant Narative of SROs”

Inequalities Within Schools

In my experiences it is not just the teachers, administration or the community that sets the standards for the schools. It is also the state and federal governments that promote institutional racism and white privilege that set the standards. Historical states and the federal government have tried (in some ways they have succeeded) to eraseContinue reading “Inequalities Within Schools”

Navigating A Health Care System Built On Inequity

Looking over Deering High School’s Equity Goals and their Student Government Equity Team Goals, there is a slight sense of relief to see a school taking the initiative and allowing students to take initiative to become active participants in the betterment of society. We live in a country that has been struggling with inequity sinceContinue reading “Navigating A Health Care System Built On Inequity”

Inequities in Education

The featured image is a picture of food from the Maine Hunger Initiative, found at this link: There is no doubt that it is much harder for some students to reach graduation than others based on their racial and ethnic backgrounds. The high school graduation rates for Cumberland County have noticeable racial disparities, asContinue reading “Inequities in Education”

Racism in the School System

Within the education system of the United States there exists many problems, problems that for some students can be enough to render them unable to attend school or even ending with them incarcerated. Even though it has been definitively determined that there is not a difference in levels of violence or misbehavior, black and whiteContinue reading “Racism in the School System”

Racism Black Girls Face in Schools

As I’m sure all of us have experienced, schools are not perfect. Students face issues there everyday and these issues can range from not receiving the proper help to understand their studies to feeling physically threatened in schools. In this post, I want to highlight the experience of Black girls in schools. As we know,Continue reading “Racism Black Girls Face in Schools”

Community Service is Important

This past week I enjoyed reading the course materials especially the two chapters especially chapter 1 Definitions.  I found that in this chapter the defining of many terms that people through out to and don’t really understand was helpful and useful. For instance, I have been around racism most of my life yet until IContinue reading “Community Service is Important”

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