Volunteering: Doing the World’s Best Work

As I mentioned in my discussion post, people are encouraged to volunteer for many reasons. It talks about increasing your social skills/making connections with new people, teaches you valuable life skills and lessons, and allows for you to be impactful and a part of something bigger than just yourself. It also stated how it canContinue reading “Volunteering: Doing the World’s Best Work”

Mandatory Service Hours: Good or Bad?

In my small community, service was something that was always emphasized and praised, however I never understood how to do it or what to do. Many schools have a rule that forces students to do at least some community service projects in order to graduate. While this is a great idea, in theory, it failsContinue reading “Mandatory Service Hours: Good or Bad?”

Volunteer Motives

Individual motivations for volunteers, as well as the marketed motivations pushed by programs and organizations are varied. The two notable influences of these motivations are either: for the community, or for the self. In terms of serving the community, a lot of the language surrounding these programs include a sense of personal responsibility to giveContinue reading “Volunteer Motives”

Understanding The Motivations of Kony 2012

When examining why someone would be motivated to volunteer I felt it would be most effective to examine a particular activist campaign, so when Aronson described the phrase ‘white savior industrial complex’  as being first coined by Teju Cole in response to a video blowing up online called ‘Kony 2012’ I knew I had toContinue reading “Understanding The Motivations of Kony 2012”

Inherent Privilege and Power

This module four about power and privilege, works to show everyone how power and privilege work hand in hand to maintain each other. Once a group has power over another group, they work to maintain that power. To retain their policies and procedures the dominate group creates privileges for themselves within the framework of theirContinue reading “Inherent Privilege and Power”

How Important Race is to our History

One thing that has resonated with me since Module 2 is the topic of microaggression. “Microaggressions hold their power because they are invisible, and therefore they don’t allow us to see that our actions and attitudes may be discriminatory,” (DeAngelis, 2009). Jana Noel touched upon this concept in broader terms. Jana talked about the socialContinue reading “How Important Race is to our History”

Sources of Bias

Module 3 was extremely informative about the structure and status quo that defines our modern society and school system. The critical perspective of school socialization that Jana Noel describes in “Developing Multicultural Educators” resonated with me as fitting with my current view of critical educational issues. The idea in this perspective is that the culturalContinue reading “Sources of Bias”

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