Racism and It’s affect on transcultural care

Community service is needed to ensure that people are able to learn about their communities. We often see people poorly educated about their local issues which can lead to insensitivity and an inability to communicate with the local population. When you are able to communicate and interact with people around you, especially in at-risk populationsContinue reading “Racism and It’s affect on transcultural care”

Importance of Community Service

Community service is a non-profit activity done to support and benefit the public, local organizations, or groups of people. People can opt to do community service on their own account, or can join a group of people to serve the community alongside them. Community service can also be something that is done to receive somethingContinue reading “Importance of Community Service”

Defining Community Service

Community service is a broad subject, however, I would describe it as something you do for someone else without any intentions of receiving a reward/money. Community service should benefit someone other than yourself and should be done out of the goodness of your heart, not just because it may be a necessity. For example, someContinue reading “Defining Community Service”

The versatility of community service

In, “The Call of Service”, It is stated, “She had connected a civic moment in her life with a larger ideal, and in so doing had learned to regard herself as a servant, as a person “called to service” (Coles, 1993). This quote is in reference to Ruby Bridges and her fight to gain accessContinue reading “The versatility of community service”

Is Community Service Destructive or Empowering?

Overall, I think community service is empowering. It helps people to be a part of something bigger and learn about so many organizations through other people. I think Gen Z will be very impactful in upcoming years. A quote from the article titled Empowering youth through volunteerism that I think is important to read isContinue reading “Is Community Service Destructive or Empowering?”

Can Service be Empowering and Destructive?

Whether or not community service is empowering or destructive often comes down to intent and motivation. When volunteering, why an individual chooses to do such a thing plays a rather important role in shaping their actions, but more importantly, their impact. One of the more common motivations behind service is helping others to help onesContinue reading “Can Service be Empowering and Destructive?”

Who Benefits from Community Service?

The answer to, “who ultimately benefits from community service and how” is a very complicated question to answer. I know that for many organizations, it can directly help those in need. For example, I am volunteering for the Preble street soup kitchen in Portland as someone who will help package clothes, toiletries, etc. and bringContinue reading “Who Benefits from Community Service?”

The Implications Behind Required Volenteer Hours

As someone who was a part of the National Honors Society and completed volenteer house, I found it incredibly interesting to further consider the implications behind requiring such a thing on a transcript. Herbert J. Gans talked about how the poor was useful in creating a demand for jobs to support ‘them.’ Do students notContinue reading “The Implications Behind Required Volenteer Hours”

Community Service: the Good and the Bad

As we have all learned throughout our lives as well as throughout this class, community service is likely something that we have all interacted with at some point and it is not always what it seems to be. When looking at community service on the surface, it seems to be a good prospect in orderContinue reading “Community Service: the Good and the Bad”

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